Dancing House

If you think that real estate is moving in the rhythm of the dance, you are mistaken. In fact, the name of the house was due to its construction in the style of deconstruction.
Dancing House

If you think that real estate is moving in the rhythm of the dance, you are mistaken. In fact, the name of the house was due to its construction in the style of deconstruction. The building consists of two towers, cylindrical shape, one of which is bent, and as it resembles a dancing couple having even playful name among Prague residents "Ginger and Fred" (in honor of the couple Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire). The unusual design, of course, contrasts and stands out among the buildings of the late 19th-early 20th centuries.


A little history

Earlier, on the site of a bright office center in the 19th century it was built a house, but after the bombing of Prague by US aircraft, the building was completely destroyed and the ruins were preserved until the 1960s. The idea to build a new building on the site of the disappeared belong to former Czech President Vaclav Havel, who at the time lived far away from the object.

Dancing House - an international project

The authors of this unusual architectural design is the architect of Croatia Vlado Milunic and architect Frank Gehry from Canada. This international project was implemented quickly enough in life between 1994 and 1996, under the personal curated by Vaclav Havel.


The new owner of the house

The famous Dancing House, and changed its name to the December 17, 2013 godanazyvaetsya "Ginger and Fred". On this day, the building is in the style of deconstruction, built in the years 1940-1950, was sold for $ 18 million well-known collector of architectural structures and investors real estate market - Vaclav Skala.

Dancing House received more than the exact name and now announces the names of two famous dancers - Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, who made up a couple of stellar dance reel of film of 10 in the period from 1933 to 1949.

A representative of Jones Lang LaaSalle, engaged in the sale of the house said that due to the high competition in the process of implementing structures, objects of this type will always be in demand among investors.

Recall that in the world there are more than a dozen buildings in a unique style of deconstruction. Thus, in Bilbo is the Guggenheim Museum, depicting the ship, and Seattle is a museum in the form of a drum set and skirts.

On The Map


AddressJiráskovo nám. 1981/6, 120 00 Praha 2
Architectural styleDeconstructivism